Aug 10Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

Well this was excellent. Trippy and dream/nightmare-like. The first person lends this a perfect viewpoint to experience from.

I'm not sure I fully understand what is/has happened, but I'm all in.

Will this link up to something else??

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Thanks, Nathan. It is a precursor to Reginald Helfinger. There are possibly one or two more parts. The next one would focus on what happened before (Amelie) and the third on what happens after, or maybe nothing happened and he is still dreaming... 😅

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Aug 28Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

despite having read part three first by mistake, part 1 still works very well... and i still have no idea what the hell is going on... is the shakespearean link deliberate and part of the underlying structure, or was it just something that came to you as you went along that fit the mood.... the theatrical nature and metaphor of the curtain ... the skull in hand.

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Thanks, Nick. Glad it worked even when not read in sequence. As for the intertextual references, yes, Kate noticed them as well. The associations vary and often emerge by themselves without premeditation. In this case we have a man descending into madness, a love interest and a trusted friend... so I went with it.

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Aug 22Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

Great name, Horatio Helfinger! Super eerie, A ~

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Thanks Troy! I am slowly catching up, will get around to Lamb soon! Glad you liked the story!

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Aug 14Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

I wonder if this was inspired by your recent home adventures with the drip drip dripping. Either way, brilliant and haunting and aching all at once. The ending line made me feel chills and awe.

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I had the idea during vacation, and had it mentally written, but didn’t have time to put pen to paper. Then, on the last night, we had aircon leaking onto our faces, and when we returned from vacation… so much for foreboding eh? Hence, the aircon had to be put in the story. Glad you like it.

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It was a must! That is uncanny.

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Aug 10Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

Oooh. That little crimson mark.... he has been taken to the other side whether he wanted to go or not. Like the Invasion of the Body Snatchers ( 1956). Super creepy.

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Thanks, Sharron! Yeah, Bodysnatchers is a great analogy. Glad you liked it!

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Aug 10Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

Ah, just when we’re talking about nightmares and dreams, I read this wonderful story, Alexander. This is the best kind of tale when you don’t know what belongs in the land of the Sandman and what belongs in our reality. If there are further instalments then I’m looking forward to reading them, but this stands alone as a brilliantly creepy slice of confusion. Brilliantly done 👍🏼

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Thanks, Dan. That's exactly the goal I had. What's real? There may be one or two more. I'll have to "sleep" on it.

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