Jan 31Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

That image for the post is great. Did you make that yourself?

This was quite amusing and fun. Definitely works without dialogue attribution, and in any case the use of constant speech means that the POV is essentially irrelevant (or at least to my mind that's the case). I didn't try to keep count of how many distinct "characters" there were, but there's certainly change in voice/style that distinguishes, as well as several names thrown in. Also, I feel like there's a few literary and musical intertextual moments here too, or perhaps it's just me? 😆

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Yes, the image I made myself, well, I used free fonts, added the cartoon eyes and the grass, the only AI used here is me 😅

Ahh, POV is first person, yes? But what are they? And yes, there are intertextual nuggets strewn throughout. Authors, their works, bands, songs, and if you wanna rap the lines you can too, yo.

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Jan 31Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

Clever, clever, on all counts! (Especially on the bands and songs!)

What are they? I'm not sure I worked it out definitively. Is it possible? Celery was my first guess, based on bunch, them lying down, being near carrots...

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Thanks, thanks, always keepin "sleuthability" in mind. Ahh, but no, they ain't no Cel Ahh Ree, de Carrots are a wee bit further away.

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Jan 31Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

Nope. Not just you. I feel it too. Such an unusual piece.

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A very silly piece!

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Jan 31Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

I needed this light, hilarious, immersive read today! I imagined the pookie husband reading it (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9LEoH0kgPk). But you should absolutely record yourself reading it if you have time. I love how the dialogue all just blends into one fruit and vegetable salad so you don't exactly know who speaks but you have a slight feeling. Wonderfully silly, clever, funny story! I'll be taking a break soon, so I'll be soaking up your War and Peace recordings. PS: Are you going to do The Rocky Horror Show recording ever? It would be great fun!

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Hehe, so glad you liked it AND found it funny, I mean, that was the whole purpose, to make people smile, and laugh and still give them a few nuggets (of fruit) to bite on. I wanted to "rap" it but did not have time, I will record it though and add it sneakily when no one is looking. I hope you're getting better and are all the break you need, and some fruit baskets... ;) War and Peace Book 1, Part 1 is done! 25 chapters! 300 mins of runtime! Enjoy. RHS... maybe? Cards for sorrow... Cards for pain... 🎙️

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Jan 31Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

You succeeded! Maybe you can do country rap. That will be unexpected! I'll soon be enjoying some nuggets of fruits and W&P by the multifaceted, versatile Alexander Ipfelkofer!

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Eggs Zellent! But... what are they? Anyone? Class? Buler?

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Jan 31Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

Hahahaha. Berry funny!

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Jan 31Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

Dat’s messed up, yo!

How many speakers are there? Who are they? It don’t maddah, Ipfelkofer. This is likely the funniest, most wierded-out dialog I have ever read. I loved every line. ( "Ack! He licked me." "Gross.") Here's the killer, though:

"Look at us, lying here, day after day, wasting away, prisoners in our own home, groped and squeezed to smithereens by inescapable hands of time. We lament, we discuss, we fuss, we make plans only to discard them, make resolutions we never keep, we do nothing, waiting for the other shoe to drop."

Ouch. Ain't dat da trooth.

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Thanks, Sharron. Glad you liked this silly endeavour! A true fruit basket, philosophical fruit, to boot.

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Jan 31Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

oh and forgot to mention that it's a massive and impressive undertaking on the recording of War and Peace. I haven't read it. So I should at least listen to it!

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It's there, no rush. ;)

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Ha I like it! It’s such a different voice for you. Fun to break into different tones and characters and sometimes silly things. 😁😁and then yeah the music!! Like that thread between you and Nathan

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Thanks, Kate! Sometimes we need a little change, right? Go bananas ;)

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It's the only way!! It's a good reminder for us all. I don't do much 'flash fiction' but I'm starting to think I should and that's part of my new 'sketches' series. I mean it lets you really experiment and play around, perhaps in response to something you've recently been thinking about or seen or read.

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Yes, and that's where the fun is and it's OK to fail, success is built on failure, isn't that so?

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I think your students in Nice are lucky!

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🤗 Thank you! Next session is in March, looking forward to it.

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Feb 1Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

This is bananas! So cute - good job, A...!

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Thanks, Troy! Go bananas from time to time, eh?

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Jan 31Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

Well, the green pears at the market must be outraged that I sniffed one one and then put it back…

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😅 Madness! What would the coconuts say...

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Jan 31Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

Nice one Alexander. Really enjoyed that 👍🏼

I’m sure I recognised a few lines that would be shouted in my local supermarket by customers and maybe produce alike 😁

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Hah! Yea, just another day at the supermarket, right? ;) Glad you enjoyed it!

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