Jul 10Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

Oh, another Elodie tale! Awesome. I like how these bits of origin stories are starting to fill out.

To check that I'm not being dumb (quite possible): the "remember me?" is because they were twins, and not that Elodie had some previous encounter with this man from another earlier story that I should perhaps be recalling?

Definitely fairy-tale quality feeling as Nadia notes.

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Thanks, Nathan. Yes, the “remember me” is because of the twins link, could be she pretends to be Marion, or has become her? Or she is channeling her … we don’t know what happened to Marion, so there are various options how this will play out. All those hands holding those sparklers, an unsolved mystery that again will steer Elodie on a certain path in the future.

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Love the mystery of it! And the many paths…this is something you play around with so well.

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Thanks, Kate. Glad you liked it. Ambiguity is the name of the game!

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Jul 11Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

Very nice indeed. More please :)

Makes me think of the early scenes in King's IT at the fairground and the mystery and events that set in motion.

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Oh, yeah, you’re right, it has a bit of that IT vibe now that you mention it. Coincidence. There will more of Elodie, The Black Ice Murders haven’t even begun to unfold.

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Jul 10Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

The twin connection is so powerful. You depicted it so well, as well as how children would behave in general. I love how this stark yet lovely story has a dark fairy-tale quality to it.

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Thanks, Nadia. Glad you found it convincing.

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I also thought definitely a fairy tale (a creepy one!). The imagery is so vivid which is part of it.

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One might say the tale was grim. ;)

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Jul 19Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

For sure. I would say like a proper fairy tale should be haha.

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Such a vivid and haunting tale. Thanks for the reminders about the twins - I have a doppelgänger podcast coming up- this coming week I think?

Really the voice here especially in the middle which I’m about to share is some of your best prose I’ve read, Alexander. It strikes to the bone.

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Jul 19·edited Jul 19Author

Ooh, doppelgänger is such a great theme as well, I have one of those in the pipeline. In best Bodysnatcher fashion. Looking forward to the podcast.

The moment she enters the tent, a chilling scene,

an abrupt transition, surprising even, or maybe not. On screen, this could be a nice Hitchcock like vertigo scene, the moment she sees all the hands…

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Jul 11Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

Oh, now THAT is a twist - clever girl, Elodie!

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Thanks, Troy! Glad you liked it.

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Jul 10Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

This was a blast! Also, your images for your stories continue to be best in class. Great stuff

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Thanks, Taegan!

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Jul 10Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

Ooooo. Creepy, Alexander. Nice one.

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Thanks, Sharron!

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