Great story! Reminds me of When The Coffee Grows Cold, which I also enjoyed. I think I'll subscribe!

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Hi Felix! Thanks a lot for reading. Happy that you enjoy it. The comparison to Toshikazu Kawaguchi is humbling, to say the least. 🙏 Glad to have you on board. Hope you find it interesting and entertaining. Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions or feedback. Again, welcome!

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Love seeing this!!!

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Excellent story. I love the twists and turns. Trying to decide if it's a happy ending or not. :)

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Jun 7, 2023·edited Jun 7, 2023Author

Thanks, Jim! Yeah, that is an excellent point. I deliberately tried to leave it ambiguous. Is it a regular or special ice cream truck? If yes, cool. If it’s special flavours... what will Mother choose, will Jimmy be able to prevent disaster? I find it appealing when stories leave the ending up to the reader’s imagination.

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Jun 17, 2023Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

Eeeeeek. Black Mirror all the way. Loved it.

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Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it. Black Mirror season 6 started, too!

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Jun 18, 2023Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

Yeeeeeeees, I heard this JUST AFTER I wrote this comment. I was like... whaaaaaaaat the heck. I would have said Outer Limits or Twilight Zone but I thought the cool kids might look at me funny.

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😂 I have yet to see Season 6. Maybe tonight!

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Jun 18, 2023Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

Same, same!

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Jun 9, 2023Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

What a fun (?) little story! My favorite ice cream flavor is pumpkin seed oil. Believe me, it exists (local specialty) & it's divine. Now I wonder what sort of effect it would have if sold at your ice cream truck...

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Thanks, Vanessa! I have to take your word on the pumpkin seed oil. I do like pumpkin soup. I wager there are many flavours one could experiment with. One for each month. Would be cool to see the truck move across Substacks with different effects. ;)

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That was such a fun, original, exciting read! You nailed the spirit of a child, and also how a nagging mother would behave (quite extremely so!). Loved reading about your process to. Intriguing, fascinating, and interesting!

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Thanks, Nadia! I toned down the mother a notch during proofreading as I found it too extreme given the “niceness” in the final bit. Means a lot that a reader finds the characters and what they say believable, esp. when that reader is a professional editor! 😅

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Hahahah. Well, this is still a fantastical story, so maybe the protagonist remembers things differently. And also the flavor is infused with some magic, obviously.

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Obviously, but e.g. when Jimmy wants to go home the mother calls him stupid. I removed that. Also she was too warm in the final but in the first pass say “oh, Jimmy what’s the matter, I’ve only been gone for a minute” something along those lines, so yeah, trying to get the characters to behave believable, magic ice cream or not. 😅

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You'd be surprised how forgiving children can be, but yes, maybe she can be a typical nag without the foulness.

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oh definitely, bless the children, grown-ups take heed and forgive for life is far too short to hold grudges...

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Also, you mentioning Tom Hanks made me remember this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cAR0yjHuczc. Roflmao

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

Hehehe, excellent. The leading visual sorta gave me the exact vibe I felt as I read through this.

Snappy, clever, a good twisting tale.

Bravo on the flash fiction. This could be my favourite one yet. (Which is me saying: write more write more write more!)

If it was cold and wet here, I'd now be going looking for ice cream. Normal physics-obeying ice-cream though, that *I* have to pay for...

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Jun 7, 2023·edited Jun 7, 2023Author

Thanks, Nathan. Your favourite flavour, yet! Initially, I wanted to call the story "Favourite Flavour" but changed it to "Special" last minute. This here is as raw as they come I would say. Thanks for catching the past tense sentence. Fixed in the web version.

Enjoy the "normal" ice cream. 🍦

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Jun 7, 2023Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

Special Flavour is definitely the winning title!

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Yes, write more. We need to know about the Dentist Krentist!

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Oh, but that one is a vile story! Right down to the rotten tooth fairies... 😎

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Give us!

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I will have to see if I can get it to work... next week is Spherean turn, more pods!

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Just catching up with this one, Alexander. Thought it was excellent and finished with that note of ambiguity that all great short stories should have

Brilliant stuff 👍🏼

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Thanks, Daniel! Glad you liked it. And yes, leaving a bit of an open, ambiguous end is what I like, too.

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Very fun story. I love the Twilight Zone vibes.

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Thanks, Bill. Looks like we both had ice cream on our minds at about the same time!

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Jun 8, 2023Liked by Alexander Ipfelkofer

That was fun

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Thanks, Tom! Glad you enjoyed it.

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