Bravo once again. Superb worldbuilding through articles that are in a league of their own in terms of technical prowess, voiceover and a sense of believability in the design. Your voice fits this sooo well. Amazing you did it in one take 👏

JCAB: jettison cares; achieve bliss.

That's what it stands for yeah? 😅

On collaboration and community: that's so wonderful to hear. It's one of the things I hadn't thought about when I joined and started reading on Substack. It's been a true joy to see and become a part of some of the community here. I love it when people give so much. I'll be clickity clicking those music links. The trailer music is 👌

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Thanks, Nathan. I couldn't use the second take because the Calendar reminder chimed in during recording, n00b mistake. I am recording this on my MacBook. Next time I'll switch on DND... it should bloody well know though, bad Mac, bad! Anyway, the first take was the best, I think.

JCAB... you looking too deep my friend. :) J is a nod to a cab in Total Recall (mentioned also in the podcast posted earlier). And CAB, well, OK, the hidden, top secret meaning of JCAB is... J _ _ _ _ _ C _ _ _ _ _ A _ _ _ B _ _. You want to call a consonant or buy a vowel?

Re: Collab and Community. I am with you on that. It's truly sensational. Hope you like the experimental indie tunes over at MITER.

Thanks again, for taking the time to watch & read & help with the AUGs. Much appreciated.

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I'm going to perhaps need some consonant *and* vowels here. Hmmm.

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That'll be 250 credits, sir. Spin for Consonant 🎡 S. Vowel? Oh... kay.

J O _ _ _ _ CO_ _ _ _ A _ _ O B _ S

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So good! Love the design and even though you cranked out the voice over in one try, it has a sense of urgency that one would expect from a dystopian overlord!

The extra photos you included with this one are a nice touch, too. You continue to operate on this level that I find incredibly satisfying and fascinating. You even inspired me to try and understand Diablo lore a little more than I do now and it’s going pretty well!

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"Dystopian Overlord" 😈 It never ends well with those overlords, as we have learned from Diablo. Thanks, Taegan. Creating immersive worlds requires some "overlordish" touches here and there, although the Utopians among us may disagree, then again without "Dys" there would be no "U".

I could lend you my "Book of Cain" (beautiful book), it has Lore galore but then again, not much is needed to understand the game. Eternal Conflict. Kill all demons. Darkness retreats, Light wins. I think this notion of quickly levelling up to max level so that you can actually "start" playing the game, i.e. grind for the perfect build, is detrimental to any sort of Lore or Story. D4 is no exception there it seems. How about we remove the level up race completely? Then it's not Diablo anymore...

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Fab add for the JCAB-- and your book. Does the JCAB play a prominent role amongst the Spereans?

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Thank you! It's a detail. Much like the Johnny Cab in Total Recall, it adds flavour. There are many ingredients that make a world. JCAB is but one. It does come with a catch, though.

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Cool JCAB. I want a JRIDE.

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Ahhh, that would be pure JOY!

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I'll take one in purple, please and thank you! That is one sleek, private, stylish JCAB! A dream for introverts. Thanks for sharing bits of your lore. It's always so fascinating to learn more and more each time.

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Thank you, Nadia. Glad you enjoy it. I'll need to find a good way to present all of it in a Lore section soon, methinks.

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I'm excited about that! Someday you should make a collector's edition of the lore, like what they do with video games. That could be so cool!

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One day. I will include the collectable card game.

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This is so great!

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Thanks, Matt!

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